Whole Person Medicine

Up for a conversation?

Welcome to my website. My name is Dr David Beales, and I’m a retired GP with a special interest in mind-body medicine. I wish to highlight, through medical stories, how medicine responds and relates to the whole person within their life situation.

Are you up for a conversation? Take a read through my blog, comment, and get in touch – I would love to hear from you.

My Story

For 50 years I was on one side of the desk, but with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease I now find myself on the other. I want to share stories from medical practice and my own personal experiences in order to break down doctor-patient barriers and build more constructive partnerships.

Dr David L Beales

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Albert Einstein


My own experience of a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease in August 2017 prompted me to explore my new situation through poetry.

I would like to continue expanding my experience of living with Parkinson’s with ongoing expression through poetry.

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